
Thrusting Sharp Pencils

My kids were working on math work books over Fall break one morning (their white Dad made them do this, I promise, I don’t care if they suck at math), when Lizzy tattled on her brother, “Mom, Hayden is thrusting his sharp pencil at me!” For those uninitiated in dealings with children, these kinds of…

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Life Changers 10/25/13

A little hyperbole never hurt anyone. The things I invest time reading, making, watching, admiring; they make me who I am. In that sense, they do change my life. I only share, because I care. Enjoy! I have such MAD respect for photographers. The patience, perseverance, and imagination it requires in massive proportions to capture…

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Can We Take Christ out of the Church? (Answer’s no.)

There is a lot of disillusionment with the church. My post on Ten Reasons Not to Go to Church is still garnering page views more than a week after I posted it, and I am a nobody in the blogosphere. People (aka that which the Church consists of) disappoint, and we figure out ways to…

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Behind the Scenes of Blogging

It’s been about three weeks since I revamped my blog and committed to blogging more seriously.  It has already been a fun adventure of meeting new people and learning new things. One of my favorite aspects of blogging has been shifting into a writer’s mindset. I notice details I glossed over previously, seeking inspiration in static…

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Life Changers 10/18/13

A little hyperbole never hurt anyone. The things I invest time reading, making, watching, admiring; they make me who I am. In that sense, they do change my life. I only share, because I care. Enjoy! What is up with all the green icons for my iphone apps?! Messages, Face Time, Whatsapp, Line, and my…

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Ten Reasons Not to go to Church

Why people didn’t go to church this past Sunday. They were: Too Sad. One of the symptoms of depression is a lack of desire to engage with the wider community. Meeting a group of people can be debilitating for those who are struggling to just open their eyes in the morning. This is one of…

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Life Changers 10/11/13

A little hyperbole never hurt anyone. This is the first edition of a (hopefully) weekly post in which I share stuff. The things I invest time reading, making, watching, admiring; they make me who I am. In that sense, they do change my life with varying degrees of significance. I only share, because I care. Enjoy!…

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Beauty in the Margins

The common mistaken notion: creativity is luxury for the elite. After all, those who face grinding poverty worry about the next meal with no excess time or energy for art. On Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, those with limited resources are concerned with meeting physiological needs, the tip of the pyramid containing creativity lay desperately out…

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Is there a God shaped hole in our hearts?

Does anyone remember the Donut Man? Like a donut, he says there is a hole in our hearts that can only be filled by God’s love. I’m sure he is a well-intentioned man trying to share God’s love with little children. I’m not sure I have ever been able to sit through church listening to…

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