Life Changers 10/11/13
October 11, 2013
A little hyperbole never hurt anyone.
This is the first edition of a (hopefully) weekly post in which I share stuff. The things I invest time reading, making, watching, admiring; they make me who I am. In that sense, they do change my life with varying degrees of significance. I only share, because I care. Enjoy!
Comfort food – I always keep a stash of homemade spaghetti sauce in my freezer for quick weeknight meals. I alternate between two recipes: Jo Mama’s and Marcella’s Bolognese. They both use wine, both red and white respectively, to keep this classic dish fancy. You will never want Prego again.
Pastrix – Lots of amazing reviews out there for this best selling memoir. I have been a fan of Pastor Nadia Bolz Weber for years, starting from reading her articles on Sojo. Because I follow her so closely, I have heard many stories from the book already, but still enjoyed the mind(soul?)-blowing preaching from her anointed voice. Here’s one of my favorite quotes:
How we feel about Jesus or how close we feel to God is meaningless next to how God acts upon us. How God indeed enters into our messy lives and loves us through them, whether we want God’s help or not. And how, even after we’ve experienced some sort of resurrection, it’s never perfect or impressive like an Easter bonnet, because, like Jesus, resurrected bodies are always in rough shape.
Gravity – James Cameron said it was the best space film ever made. That’s pretty darn high praise from the director of Titanic and Avatar. Husband and I watched this yesterday. The movie uses the visual experience instead of dialogue to tell the story. Each frame of the movie contains the work of 250 people, and it shows. Stunning execution down to every last detail. Sandra Bullock rocked it. I just can’t say I loved it because I didn’t cry. I measure impact with my emotions, that’s all.
Woke up one morning this week only to get totally sucked into this hilariously fun internet game. #AddAWordChangeAChristianBook. See a compilation of the best tweets here. Some of my favorites were: “Heaven is Real Boring”, “Paps Mere Christianity”, and “What’s so Amazing about Grace Kelly”. Okay, I’m starting to crack up again…
STANDING OVATION FOR MALALA!! My all time favorite 16 year old activist who was shot in the head by the Taliban for speaking up for the rights of herself, and girls around the world, to education. She is promoting her book and was interviewed on the Daily Show this week. What she says about the Taliban: “I want your children to have education as well.” Floored. Can’t get more “love-your-enemies” than that. Love her.
By now, most of us have upgraded to the new iOS7 system? I just recently learned how to hold down the button for question/exclamation marks so the keyboard automatically switches back to the alphabet. Kinda cool. Check out some other keyboard tips.
This one is heavy. A gripping reflection of how an Asian gay young adult chooses to stay closeted in Asia. His family lives in Kaohsiung, where I live, so it feels close to home.
What changed your life this week?