Ten Reasons Not to go to Church
October 14, 2013
Why people didn’t go to church this past Sunday. They were:
- Too Sad. One of the symptoms of depression is a lack of desire to engage with the wider community. Meeting a group of people can be debilitating for those who are struggling to just open their eyes in the morning. This is one of the most poignant description of depression I have ever read. I know it’s not representative of all, but it is helpful in understanding one person’s depression.
- Too Gay. It’s no secret many churches are hostile to the GLBT community. I really hope this is changing. There are great conversations happening regarding this sensitive issue. Here’s a good place to start.
- Too Broken Hearted. Bruno Mars sings in It Will Rain, “There’s no religion that could save me, no matter how long my knees are on the floor. Ooooh”
- Too Physically Broken. Are there provisions for handicap accessibility? Is there space for unsolicited cries mid-sermon from the mentally disabled? Is there room for the social awkwardness of physically disabled persons?
- Too Burned. Too afraid to be asked to do one more thing to serve.
- Too Barren. Children are a blessing, yes, but those who struggle with infertility struggle to feel blessed.
- Too Busy. We are slaves to the tyranny of the urgent.photo credit: um-insight.net
- Too Smart. Curious people who ask taboo questions often gets shut down. Intellectuals, critical thinkers, academics want to engage both their mind and faith. Peter Enns talk a lot about how evangelical institutions are sometimes hostile to those who challenge the status quo.
- Too relevant. The complaints of the younger generation is the church no longer speaks to their contemporary settings. Check out this article breaking down some of the factors by Rachel Held Evans for CNN.
- Too Buddhist. Or Hindu. Muslim. Atheist. Yeah, they don’t go to Church.
Who else should be added to the list?