Deconstructing Heaven

As much as I find the Christian tradition, as well as other religious traditions’ versions of the after life fascinating, beautiful, and hopeful, I have to believe that it is also a total and complete mystery. Everyone last one of us is an agnostic about the after life if we are honest with ourselves. Whatever belief we have is speculation, no matter how earnestly that speculation may be held.

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Why I Still Believe in the Christian Internet

When God chose to incarnate into human history, I’m pretty sure there was good reason God decided to leave a good 2,000 year margin between inaugurating Christianity and the invention of the internet. I mean, think about it. Would you rather be teaching your disciples spiritual truths in the calm breeze and idyllic beaches of…

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Life Changers 6/5/15

If you don’t know by now, I am a HUGE podcast listener. I tune into podcasts in the car, while I do chores, during grocery shopping–stimulating conversation to go along with mundane tasks? I’m in. This week, in particular, I had copious amounts of time in the car during my commute so I was able…

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