Beth Moore and Fundamentalist Parenting

Isn’t that the Good News for our children? That they aren’t born to engage in power struggles against us, their parents? We welcomed them into our world so we can share in our power and joy and dreams. So we can have this life together of mutual giving and taking, where both parties enrich one another’s vision for what makes us whole.

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Rising from A Fundamentalist Childhood

What I don’t want is for the children to have to exile parts of themselves and having to put themselves back together like I had to, I want them to grow as whole selves, from childhood and beyond.

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Fundamentalism is Boring

Let death be what takes us, not lack of imagination. ~ BJ Miller As I continue to work on my Raising Children Unfundamentalist project, concocting antidotes for the toxicity of bad religion, among the most potent ingredients found in my brew is that of imagination. I have decided that what makes fundamentalism so vile is…

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Raising Children Un-Fundamentalist – Part I

You could interpret my NEW BLOG SERIES: “Raising Children Un-Fundamentalist” in two ways. It could be read as raising children as an un-fundamentalist parent, aka Christian blogger parent sorts out spiritual baggage online. Or, it could mean raising my children to NOT be fundamentalists, because that would be the best way for them to rebel against…

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