
Life Changers – RCU Edition
Writing News: As many know, I have been writing my second book on Raising Children UnFundamentalist. My big news in this publishing journey is that I have signed a literary agent who will represent me to publishers who may be interested in this book. I’ll be honest with you. I don’t know much of what the…

Are Christianity and Art Mutually Exclusive?
I am a little late to the train, but I have been watching the netflix original series, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. The first episode had me laughing out loud almost the entire time. I adore Ellie Kemper, she does an amazing job playing the role of a 29 year old rescued out of a cult, trying…

The Problem with Shepherding a Child’s Heart – Part 2
This post is part 2 critiquing Ted Tripp’s popular Christian parenting book, Shepherding a Child’s Heart. Last week I said this, “Undergirding Tripp’s parenting book is a theological assumption of the nature of the child and the role of the parent.” According to Tripp, the nature of the child is sinful, idolatrous, and bound by…

The Problem with Shepherding A Child’s Heart – Part 1
As I am writing my book on Raising Children UnFundamentalist, I find it has become necessary to engage with conservative Christian parenting literature. Progressive Christianity has, by and large, rejected and ignored conservative parenting ideas which is unfortunate, because it remains a crucial task for us to address the problematic theology underlying popular Christian parenting…

Rescuing Jesus with Deborah Jian Lee
You guys. This book, Rescuing Jesus: How People of Color, Women, and Queer Christians are Reclaiming Evangelicalism, is everything. I am convinced Deborah Jian Lee is my sister from another mother. I was a convert into American evangelicalism. At the time, I was told it was the “gospel,” and indeed it was, but this gospel…
Faith After Unraveling
*Today I am finishing my Faith Shift blog series, where I unfold my own story of faith shifting as laid out in Kathy Escobar’s book, Faith Shift. The first week, I talked about fusing my faith, a time in my life when I found security in the certainty of my faith, and the gifts evangelicalism gave me….