
Let’s Talk About Sin

Because it’s been a while. I have all but ousted the word “sin” from my Christian lexicon, referring instead to the more palatable-sounding, “brokenness,” or the human “problem”. As a bilingual, cross cultural worker, and a writer—I believe as Christians we have much liberty to constantly re-imagine the words we use to speak of our…

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Raising Children Un-Fundamentalist – Vlog – What to do when the damage is already done?

I am coming to you in video today! Please forgive my terrible cough and rudimentary editing skills, but I am ready to meet you guys in person via video despite all of my imperfections. This is a launch of weekly video blogs addressing issues and concerns I was not able to cover in my Raising…

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Why I Still Believe in the Christian Internet

When God chose to incarnate into human history, I’m pretty sure there was good reason God decided to leave a good 2,000 year margin between inaugurating Christianity and the invention of the internet. I mean, think about it. Would you rather be teaching your disciples spiritual truths in the calm breeze and idyllic beaches of…

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Raising Children Un-Fundamentalist with Peter Enns

Thank you so much for following along the Raising Children Un-Fundamentalist series. For those new to the series, welcome! I talk about power dynamics between parent/child in part 1, (not) talking to kids about hell in part 2, letting children live their own story in part 3, and how to raise children with a vibrant…

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Raising Children Un-Fundamentalist Part IV

This is part 4 of my blog series where I attempt to sort out the complexities of parenting as a Christian with an evolving faith. In part 1, I urge us to be thoughtful about the power dynamic between adults and children. In part 2, I address the role of fear in sharing our faith with children,…

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Raising Children Un-Fundamentalist – Part III

This is part 3 of my blog series where I attempt to sort out the complexities of parenting as a Christian with an evolving faith. In part 1, I urge us to be thoughtful about the power dynamic between adults and children. In part 2, I address the role of fear in sharing our faith…

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Raising Children Un-Fundamentalist – Part II

This is part 2 of my blog series where I attempt to sort out the complexities of parenting as a Christian with an evolving faith. How do we pass on the good bits of our faith while leaving out the bad? I lay the foundation of the series by addressing the disparity of power between adults…

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Raising Children Un-Fundamentalist – Part I

You could interpret my NEW BLOG SERIES: “Raising Children Un-Fundamentalist” in two ways. It could be read as raising children as an un-fundamentalist parent, aka Christian blogger parent sorts out spiritual baggage online. Or, it could mean raising my children to NOT be fundamentalists, because that would be the best way for them to rebel against…

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The Church, Disabled People, and Awkwardness

This post is part 9 and FINAL POST of my Summer Series featuring each of the Ten Christian Voices We Can’t Ignore from my e-book, Outside In, which you can get for free by subscribing to my newsletter here. I quote Tanya Marlow in my book, Outside In, on the chapter about disability. She is wise, strong, and as…

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