
What our days are like

September 17, 2009

I just got an email from a supporter asking us exactly what we are doing in Taiwan. I realize perhaps we haven’t been very clear in our correspondence (newsletter and blogging). Then I realized perhaps we haven’t been very clear because we ourselves haven’t been clear. After all, our whole reason for leaving China was to seek the Lord for clearer vision. However, over the past couple of weeks, we have settled into a family routine. Here it is:

7:30-8:30 I drive Lizzy to her school which is a half hour commute by car. 🙁 I sure miss the bus service we had in Tianjin!
8:30-9:00 I drop off Hayden at his new preschool and I head off to work. I now work mornings at my Dad’s company. I use the term “work” very loosely as I am not given much responsibility. But that’s okay, I learn, I run errands, and I enjoy it.
12:30 – 1:00 I pick Hayden up from preschool and stay home with him in the afternoon. I do chores around the house, I clean, and I make dinner.
4:15 I pick Lizzy up from school (she does ride the school bus home so I don’t have to go as far.)
6:00 Family Dinner Time!
8:00 bedtime for the kids.

Jason is now teaching adults English at a chain school in Taiwan called Global Village. He teaches part time and helps with Hayden in the mornings. It’s been a challenge for him because for those who know Jason, he doesn’t like to be center of attention and being a teacher requires him to be.

We also hope to be involved in ministry. There are some opportunities for us that we are praying about and will update everyone as they become concrete.