Episode 144: Give Your Kids a Better Script w/ Matthew Paul Turner
April 18, 2022
One of my favorite people, Hillary McBride, recently posted this on Twitter: “Spiritual trauma is someone handing you an inner critic and telling you it’s the voice of God.”
I love that quote because it paints the picture of religious trauma so well. Trauma doesn’t always have to involve one disastrous event; it can be the result of the script we were given in childhood that stuck with us.
Matthew Paul Turner is a children’s author who does amazing work towards reversing that harmful script. He is trying to put a better story into the hearts and minds of children, specifically using the language and vocabulary of God.
Matthew is joining us on this episode of Parenting Forward to discuss some of his best-selling books. We also talk about how parents can give their kids a better script. If we don’t want our children to have to rewrite their scripts or “recover from God” in adulthood, we must be proactive about introducing them to God the right way now.
Show Highlights:
- The script I was given as a child about God.
- The damage that harmful script does to children’s brains.
- The gossip chain that develops in fundamental communities.
- Why it’s so hard for us deconstructed believers to accept compliments or love ourselves.
- How our body holds trauma.
- Why Matthew didn’t write evangelical books.
- How children’s books can benefit adults too.
- What it was like for Matthew to write his most recent book, I Am God’s Dream, right after coming out.
- How I Am God’s Dream teaches kids to be happy with their bodies.
- The importance of genuine apologies.
Links (affiliates included):
Matthew Paul Turner – https://matthewpaulturner.com
Parenting is Revolutionary Conference: https://www.parentingforwardconference.com
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Parenting After Religious Trauma Membership – https://cindy-brandt.mykajabi.com/partmembership
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