
Just Enough

When I logged in to write this new blog entry, blogger pulled up the stats of my blog. The numbers of page views, comments, impressions. When we see young children exhibit creativity or ingenuity, we quip, “that kid’s going to grow up and change the world.” We are inspired by heroes in our culture and…

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in which I got called poo

It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post. I’m reading plenty of them and they’re all so much better than mine that I’m feeling somewhat defeatist. However, just the other day I got called poo and one simply cannot let perfectly good substance as getting called poo go to waste without blogging over…

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What on earth is One Day’s Wages and why am I always talking about it?

I’m a pretty sensible person most of the time. I’m not a genius but I have fairly sound judgment and got a good head on my shoulders. But there have been a few moments in my life when I’ve done things that if I were to leave my body momentarily and look at myself, I…

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Texting is Not Like the Real Thing

Friends, I’m thankful for such a full life, but I am feeling a little frantic lately because of a minor though chronic condition of overcommitment. February is busy because it contains the birthday of my firstborn, who is turning nine, and we must sound the trumpets and celebrate with style because she is worth it….

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Mole Excision Surgery

It was time to get rid of the mole to the right of my nose. I’ve always had this mole but it has grown substantially in the last few years and it’s time for it to go. Despite having labored to deliver two babies, my pain tolerance is still incredulously low. The thought of a…

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2012 Resolutions

New Year resolutions. Or goals. (Somebody explain the difference again?) We’ve all seen them run through our social media newsfeed. Eat better. Be present. Love more. Blah, blah, blah, it’s as standard as beauty pageant contestants promoting “world peace.” I have yet to come across more creative inspirational resolutions. Some people give up making them…

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Light of the World

I heard a story last week that has been relentlessly haunting my mind with images. I see a picture of a toddler boy meeting a woman behind bars, his innocence shielding him from the harsh reality that his birth mother has been sentenced for life. I see a woman forced into household servitude in a…

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Let’s get to know each other

I had a conversation with my girlfriend about the hypothetical situation of whether we should remarry if our husbands died. I know my married girlfriends have had this conversation too, don’t deny it people. Her response was how hard it would be to have to get to know another person as intimately all over again….

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Called to Love

I knew when I encountered the word “locutionary” in the latest theology book I’m reading I had bitten off more than I can chew. Contrary to what Kathy Laytham says, I am really not very smart. I learned very late in life how to think for myself. In that respect, my daughter is way ahead…

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