Posts Tagged ‘theology’
The Theology of my Toyota
“If theology can be used to oppress, murder, and brutalize women, black people, trans people, queer people, bisexual people, and people with disabilities; then why can’t theology be used to liberate us, dignify us, and renew us?” This is a quote from Broderick Greer at a keynote speech at the Gay Christian Network Conference this…
Read MoreWhen My Faith Unraveled
*I am continuing my Faith Shift blog series, where I unfold my own story of faith shifting as laid out in Kathy Escobar’s book, Faith Shift. The first week, I talked about fusing my faith, a time in my life when I found security in the certainty of my faith, and the gifts evangelicalism gave me. Last…
Read MoreLearning Ignorance
My daughter is in seventh grade, next year she will be in eighth. She tells me this means she will be the King of Middle School. She will go to a leadership camp and learn what it means to cultivate leadership qualities in order to be a Good King for the underlings in sixth and…
Read MoreRaising Children Un-Fundamentalist – Vlog – Discipline
I am continuing my vlog on Raising Children Un-Fundamentalist. Today, I’m talking about whether we should incorporate theology into disciplining our children (I refer to this term to mean punishment). Please first read this guest post on Elizabeth Esther’s blog titled, “Being spanked as a child taught me how to stay in abusive situations.” This…
Read MoreRaising Children Un-Fundamentalist – Part I
You could interpret my NEW BLOG SERIES: “Raising Children Un-Fundamentalist” in two ways. It could be read as raising children as an un-fundamentalist parent, aka Christian blogger parent sorts out spiritual baggage online. Or, it could mean raising my children to NOT be fundamentalists, because that would be the best way for them to rebel against…
Read MoreI am a Lazy Christian
**This is post number two, of the I am a Terrible Christian Series. My friend Courtney wrestles with how the Protestant work ethic infused into the Church’s teachings threatens her family life with guilt.** “Mommy, are we poor?” My seven-year old had spent the afternoon at a friend’s three-story suburban home, running in and out of…
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