Posts Tagged ‘Pope Francis’
Why I Still Believe in the Christian Internet
When God chose to incarnate into human history, I’m pretty sure there was good reason God decided to leave a good 2,000 year margin between inaugurating Christianity and the invention of the internet. I mean, think about it. Would you rather be teaching your disciples spiritual truths in the calm breeze and idyllic beaches of…
Read MoreHow to Care about Climate Change When You’re Not The Pope
The religious community is abuzz with commentary on the Pope’s recently released encyclical on climate change and the moral imperative to address its consequences, borne disproportionately on the backs of the global poor. Caring for our environment as a theological concern is not a hard sell in most of the world. The question is how…
Read MoreCompassion or pity? and Friendship as Justice
Overheard on a Facebook conversation last week: “There is really not much difference between compassion and pity when it comes to being on the receiving end of it.” This thought gave me pause as I consider compassion to be a central tenet of biblical justice, and yet, I experience this to be true. We use…
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