Posts Tagged ‘parenting’
Should I Raise my Kids in Church?
Our goal should simply be to provide a safe environment for our children to live out their inherent spirituality.
Read MoreParents, It’s Okay if you’re Still a Recovering Evangelical
we carry wounds from a childhood of toxic religiosity that are easily triggered as we relive some of our childhood through our own kids.
Read MoreRising from A Fundamentalist Childhood
What I don’t want is for the children to have to exile parts of themselves and having to put themselves back together like I had to, I want them to grow as whole selves, from childhood and beyond.
Read MoreWhen Believers Do Not Believe
I have come to think people of faith are the most unbelieving bunch. In everyday parenting, there comes situations when I have to question my children on what they have done or not done, said or not said. If they sense that I have any trace of disbelief in their answer, their plea for me…
Read MoreWhat Does Embodied Spirituality Mean to You?
One of the reasons I kissed evangelism goodbye is because of the troubling method of convincing our conversion target of their need to be saved. It’s Marketing 101, create the need then supply the solution. Both Christian establishment and global capitalism depend upon the same formula. The message we are bombarded with, both from secular…
Read MoreYou are Raising a Good Kid
Big congrats to fellow Christian blogger, Rachel Held Evans, and her husband for the arrival of their baby boy. Rachel has helped me and so many others put words to our faith evolution, and as she becomes a mother, I am selfishly hopeful she will share some of her reflections on parenting with shifting faith.…
Read MoreLife Changers – RCU Edition
Writing News: As many know, I have been writing my second book on Raising Children UnFundamentalist. My big news in this publishing journey is that I have signed a literary agent who will represent me to publishers who may be interested in this book. I’ll be honest with you. I don’t know much of what the…
Read MoreThe Problem with Shepherding a Child’s Heart – Part 2
This post is part 2 critiquing Ted Tripp’s popular Christian parenting book, Shepherding a Child’s Heart. Last week I said this, “Undergirding Tripp’s parenting book is a theological assumption of the nature of the child and the role of the parent.” According to Tripp, the nature of the child is sinful, idolatrous, and bound by…
Read MoreThe Problem with Shepherding A Child’s Heart – Part 1
As I am writing my book on Raising Children UnFundamentalist, I find it has become necessary to engage with conservative Christian parenting literature. Progressive Christianity has, by and large, rejected and ignored conservative parenting ideas which is unfortunate, because it remains a crucial task for us to address the problematic theology underlying popular Christian parenting…
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