Posts Tagged ‘margins’
Born Again, or Blind?
I am more and more convinced that beauty lies in the margins. Raised in evangelicalism, we often prayed to reach those who remain in the darkness, that God would open their eyes and see the truth. We had been born again. A veil had been magically lifted off our eyes, welcoming us into the land…
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*Last month, I linked up with the beautiful Sheloves Magazine on the theme of #create and they were gracious to include a snippet of my post, Beauty in the Margins, in their October Zine (I especially loved the pretty pink I found my entry printed upon). Incidentally, their November theme is #margins so I am excited to…
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The common mistaken notion: creativity is luxury for the elite. After all, those who face grinding poverty worry about the next meal with no excess time or energy for art. On Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, those with limited resources are concerned with meeting physiological needs, the tip of the pyramid containing creativity lay desperately out…
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