Real Life Update
October 24, 2015
Dear readers,
To tell a good story we must live a good story.
As a blogger I run the risk of being publicly known only for my words. There are some out there who perhaps read my blog to judge me, or are merely curious what I have to say. But I know many of you genuinely feel connected with my writing and see me as a friend. Don’t let anyone tell you we can’t be friends because you only see me online. My words are a significant part of who I am, and I offer them up with an expectation to connect authentically.
I say this to ask for some grace as my writing life has stalled lately due to an online connection that has impacted my offline life in a tumultuous way. You can read some of those stories here, here, and here.
I don’t have life-changing links or a video blog for you today. I am grieving the death of my friend’s husband and the impending departure of a friend.
I want to tell you this and make sure you hear this story, to put to rest any doubts that our connectedness through technology can breed meaningful relationships. Every beat of the stabbing pain in my heart is telling me my online relationships has cost me vulnerable love.
So take care of yourselves, dear friends, and know that I care very much for you–that I don’t do this blogging thing with a faint heart, but to attempt to live out a good story in this one wild and precious life.