Episode 97: Don’t Simplify Theology for Kids w/ Katey Hage
October 19, 2020
Show Description
Resistance is spiritual. However, what’s spiritual is spiritual too. That’s why I brought on someone whose career vocation it is to invest in the spirituality of children.
Katey Hage is the children’s pastor of Quest Church, a diverse church in Seattle founded by my friend Eugene Cho. Katey and I have vocational passions that intersect. Having grown up in a predominately white Christian church environment, when she first experienced God in diverse communities, something shifted inside of her. She was deeply drawn to the image of the multi-cultural Kingdom of God.
Today, Katey and I are talking all things kids, ministry, and spirituality. Tune in to hear her origin story and how she gives the children she ministers to spiritual agency.
Show Highlights:
- What made Katey want to become a children’s pastor.
- How she has wrestled with feeling subversive in her role.
- How she defines healthy spirituality.
- Why spontaneous authentic spirituality is better.
- Advice for religious people who want to honor their children’s spiritual agency and quest.
- How to raise your kids with healthy spirituality when you have religious triggers.
- The most important issues facing children’s ministry today.
- How the church can do better at respecting kids and treating them as fully human.
- The new curriculum they’re developing at Quest.
Links (affiliates included):
We referenced David’s episode several times: https://cindywangbrandt.com/podcast/episode-94-children-making-theological-meaning-w-david-csinos/
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Parenting Forward, the Book – https://amzn.to/3g0LJPn