Episode 94: Children Making Theological Meaning w/ David Csinos
September 28, 2020
Show Description
It’s a great moment when we find kindred spirits whose views align closely with our own. It’s just an amazing feeling to know we’re not alone in pushing an idea forward and so wonderful to collaborate with like-minded individuals. When I was writing my book, Parenting Forward, I did a lot of research that led me to many like-minded individuals such as these. One of these people was David Csinos.
David curated a collection of essays on the topic of progressive theology that was a huge part of my research. He has a new book coming out now called Little Theologians: Children, Culture, and the Making of Theological Meaning. The prevailing narrative out there is that children just parrot theology and don’t actively think about God, the universe, or the other transcendent things of life. However, they are actually theological agents of meaning-making. This is what David’s book is all about. Tune in to hear our discussion on this and how to successfully talk to children about theological issues.
Show Highlights:
- Why the spiritual blank slate narrative persists.
- Why authoritative environments are so harmful to children.
- How he leveled the power dynamic and genuinely listened to the kids he interviewed without mining them for ideas that fit his narrative.
- Understanding the concrete thinking of children.
- The spiritual child protection policies David would instate.
- The value of children’s ministers.
- What he would do as a VBS curriculum writer.
Links (affiliates included):
Little Theologians: Children, Culture, and the Making of Theological Meaning – https://amzn.to/3hPNEqe
Faith Forward – https://amzn.to/3mAvs7w
Spiritual Child Protection Policies Episode – https://cindywangbrandt.com/podcast/episode-15-7-spiritual-child-protection-policies/
Join us at the Parenting Forward Patreon Team – https://www.patreon.com/cindywangbrandt
Parenting Forward, the Book – https://amzn.to/3g0LJPn