Episode 84: Black Boys, Black Hair, Black Anger w/ Michael Waters
July 20, 2020
Show Description
Many of us feel intimidated to talk to our kids about racism. It’s so much more than someone not liking someone else because of the color of their skin and that can get confusing. However, we don’t need to make it this hard. We just need to provide them with an awareness of the world and how it operates as they grow.
In this episode, Michael Waters helps us understand how to do that. He is an award-winning author, activist, professor, and speaker. He has published a couple of books on race, faith, justice, and family, so he fits right in here. He also has a children’s book coming out soon that answers many of the inquiries our children have about current events. Listen in for great insight on how to communicate with our kids about the changes that need to happen in our world.
Show Highlights:
- The conversation with his son that demanded a response and sparked the idea of a children’s book on racism.
- How to help our kids understand racial injustice.
- What actual change-making needs to look like right now.
- How to approach anger and navigate a parenting conversation on it.
- The role of faith and interfaith groups in fighting against systemic racism.
- Black hair and how it is a metaphor for the slow growth that’s required for justice work.
Links (affiliates included):
Pastor Michael’s website: https://michaelwwaters.com
Guide and coloring sheet download here:https://www.flyawaybooks.com/for-beautiful-black-boys
Parenting Forward Conference Sessions – https://www.parentingforwardconference.com/2019-sessions
Join us at the Parenting Forward Patreon Team – https://www.patreon.com/cindywangbrandt
Parenting Forward, the Book – https://amzn.to/2GB6eDB3