Episode 73: When Our Parents have a Faith Crisis with Diana Butler Bass
May 4, 2020
Show Description
As the world is going through major growing pains, some days, it seems impossible to extricate the pandemic from the conversation about religion and spirituality. If you are a parent going through a rocky ride when it comes to your faith, or maybe you are watching your parents maneuver a faith crisis of their own, this episode is for you.
There is something unique about the way people are handling their faith crisis because of how public and loud it is. And I wonder how that impacts the process of raising kids. To help me explore what to do when parents have a faith crisis, Diana Butler Bass joins me.
Diana Butler Bass is an author, speaker, and independent scholar specializing in American religion and culture. What I appreciate most about her knowledge is how she frames her analysis of pop culture and religious events through the lens of the history of the church and how it has shifted and transformed. Her perspective is so valuable. I hope you enjoy our conversation.
Show Highlights:
- Diana answers the question, “Are parents of today facing a faith crisis more tumultuous than their parents and their parents’ parents?”
- People going through a faith crisis right now are doing it in a very public way.
- Public sharing has created permission for people to talk about things they hadn’t talked about before.
- What can we draw from the differences between our faith crisis and that of our parents’ experiences?
- A reminder for parents: Children have their journey as well. They’re going to see things differently than you do. For one, they’re not privy to your inner thoughts and your faith unless you communicate it to them.
- Children are active faith agents themselves.
- The role adults should play when they see children in a youth activist or spiritual capacity.
Links (affiliates included):
Diana Butler Bass – http://dianabutlerbass.com
Parenting Forward Conference – https://www.parentingforwardconference.com
Join us at the Parenting Forward Patreon Team – https://www.patreon.com/cindywangbrandt
Parenting Forward, the Book – https://amzn.to/2GB6eDB3