Episode 43: Conservative Christian Parenting Clash with Mainstream Parenting Research
July 4, 2019
Show Description
Dr. Joseph Lee is a mental health professional practicing in California. A while back we had a casual conversation in which he mentioned that conservative Christian parenting is often in opposition with mainstream mental health research. I latched on to that statement and asked him to come on to my show to talk about some of these things. It was a rich and nuanced conversation about none other than parenting and progressive faith. Hope you learn from Dr. Lee as much as I did!
Links (affiliates included):
Dr. Joseph Lee website – https://mentalhealthiness.com
Diversity Parenting Conference – https://www.diversityinparentingconference.com
Parenting Forward the Conference!!! – https://www.parentingforwardconference.com
Join us at the Parenting Forward Patreon Team – https://www.patreon.com/cindywangbrandt
Parenting Forward, the Book – https://amzn.to/2GB6eDB