Episode 33: MAGA Teens and Dismantling White Supremacy with our Kids
January 28, 2019
Show Description:
This episode is in response to the MAGA teens from Covington Catholic High School interacting disrespectfully to an Indigenous elder. This story prompts a conversation about white supremacy, media, children/teens/minors, so this episode is dedicated to unpacking all those layers. I give my opinions on the incident and examine the complicated intersections of systemic oppression and how children participate in these systems. Lastly, I give concrete advice on how parents can raise children to dismantle white supremacy.
I hope this can serve as a helpful resource to you.
Links (affiliates included):
Parenting Forward – https://amzn.to/2Tfg8OJ
Preorder Bonus Information – https://cindywangbrandt.com/parenting-forward/
Raising White Kids – https://amzn.to/2WmlM3d
My interview with Jennifer Harvey – https://cindywangbrandt.com/podcast/episode-20-raising-white-kids-in-a-racially-unjust-world/
Books for Littles – https://amzn.to/2WmlM3d
My interview with Ashia Ray – https://cindywangbrandt.com/podcast/episode-31-progressive-childrens-book-list-ashia-ray/
Join us at the Parenting Forward Patreon Team – https://www.patreon.com/cindywangbrandt