Episode 22: Surviving a Cult with Carly Gelsinger
November 8, 2018
Show Description:
My guest today grew up in a cult and tells her story in her memoir, Once You Go In: A Memoir of Radical Faith. We talk about why adolescents and teenagers are particularly drawn to community, supernatural experiences, and what it looks like to parent teens without taking advantage of their vulnerabilities.
Carly recently had a piece on Huffington Post go viral in which she talks about purity culture and how it leads to big swaths of evangelicals who support Brett Kavanaugh—we discuss how purity culture was a big part of her cult and how it still impacts her till this day.
Carly and I share shenanigans of growing up evangelical, where we are spiritually these days, and how she’s parenting her kids having lived the life she had.
She’s full of joy and hope despite surviving a cult, and today, she’s a tired mama but she’s more real than ever. I hope you enjoy our conversation.
Links (affiliate linkes included, clicking and purchasing supports Parenting Forward Podcast at no extra cost to you):
Carly’s website – https://carlygelsingerauthor.com
I Know Why Evangelicals Support Brett Kavanaugh. I was Raised to do the Same. – HuffingtonPost piece by Carly Gelsinger – https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/brett-kavanaugh-evangelical-women_us_5bb3a28de4b0ba8bb211985b
Carly’s book – https://amzn.to/2Cei0RS
Deborah Jian Lee – Rescuing Jesus: How People of Color, Women & Queer Christians are Reclaiming Evangelicalism – https://amzn.to/2CgSPyr
Addie Zierman – When We Were On Fire – https://amzn.to/2yCbj90
Evolving Faith Webcast – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/evolving-faith-tickets-44482953712
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