Episode 20: Jennifer Harvey – Raising White Kids in a Racially Unjust World
October 15, 2018
Show Description:
Raising white kids is to raise children in a vexed location, at the intersection of whiteness and childhood. White children experience the smog of toxic white supremacy and yet are often silenced and rendered incapable of navigating racial tensions and build meaningful relationships with peers of color.
Today, I invite Jennifer Harvey, the author of Raising White Kids to help shed some light on why parents of white kids should care about raising race conscious children, and how to begin doing this work.
We talk about the struggles for white kids and teens, not being able to celebrate whiteness, and having to deal with negative associations of being white (racist).
We talk through some examples of racial encounters white kids may have, how to help support them through their racial development into healthy racial identity.
This was an insightful and moving episode from a white parent who is trying to figure this out and offering her profound wisdom with heart. I hope you enjoy our conversation.
Links: (affiliates included, clicking and purchasing supports Parenting Forward at no extra cost to you)
Get a free family devotional and coloring pages + a 20% discount code for Illustrated Children’s Ministry: https://www.illustratedchildrensministry.com/parenting/
Raising White Kids – https://amzn.to/2xCxnk5
Dear White People – https://tv.avclub.com/dear-white-people-s-best-yet-police-brutality-episode-d-1798191270
We Need Diverse Books – https://diversebooks.org
Raising Race Conscious Children – http://www.raceconscious.org
Embrace Race – https://www.embracerace.org
Episode 9 with founder of Embrace Race – https://cindywangbrandt.com/podcast/episode-9-andrew-grant-thomas-at-embrace-race/
Brownicity – http://brownicity.com
“Seeing White” series on podcast – http://www.sceneonradio.org/seeing-white/
“Lt’s Talk About Whiteness” On Being Podcast – https://onbeing.org/programs/eula-biss-lets-talk-about-whiteness-jan2017/
Waking up White – https://amzn.to/2MZcVyA
So you want to talk about race – https://amzn.to/2zqqcgo
Join us at the Parenting Forward Patreon Team – https://www.patreon.com/cindywangbrandt