Episode 12: Kaitlyn Curtice – Decolonizing Faith as a Native American Parent
August 20, 2018
Show Notes:
My guest today is Kaitlyn Curtice, Native American Christian author and speaker, and a mother of two boys. Kaitlyn shares with us how she embodies race, religion, & resistance in her identity and her work.
I ask Kaitlyn:
– how to raise our children with a decolonized faith
how Native American traditions provide a much needed perspective to our parenting via cultivating a relationship with the land, place, and mysticism.
Kaitlyn’s boys both started school and she talks about all her feels
Kaitlyn tells parents of white kids how we can partner together for a more inclusive world
We talk more about children and activism (popular Parenting Forward subject!)
…and lastly, how we can find the Divine in our everyday parenting.
I’m so grateful for this conversation. Tag us both on social media if you tune in and let us know what you think!
Links (affiliates included):
CBS News – https://www.cbsnews.com/video/race-religion-resistance/
Peacing All Together Podcast by Randy Woodley and Bo Sanders – https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/peacing-it-all-together/id1403549692?mt=2
Eloheh Seeds – http://elohehseeds.com/index.html
Orca Whale Carrying Deceased Baby – https://www.npr.org/2018/08/12/638047095/after-17-days-and-1-000-miles-a-mother-orcas-tour-of-grief-is-over
To My Boys on Their First Day of School – https://kaitlincurtice.com/2018/08/06/to-my-boys-on-their-first-day-of-school/
Bowwow Powwow – https://amzn.to/2KN0y7O
Glory Happening: Finding the Divine in Everyday Places – https://amzn.to/2KNlR9e
Kaitlyn Curtice Website – https://kaitlincurtice.com
Evolving Faith Webcast Registration – https://www.evolvingfaithconference.com/webcast/
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