Life Changers 9/23/14
September 22, 2014
Welcome to this week’s “Life Changers” – where I share good reads around the internet, pieces that make me smile, think, and say: me too. Hope you enjoy!
I don’t watch much TV, but when I do, it’s either Jon Stewart or Ellen Degeneres. Don’t miss this week’s gem: the Apparently Kid.
[youtube id=”NNDRVXoQphA”]
Into the Darkness by Micah Murray – a beautiful reflection.
That winter and summer are the fury and beauty of life. That death comes before resurrection. That pain is what makes us grow. And that the only way out is through.
So here’s to winter. May I be brave enough to let it have its way with me.
But the Twelve Apostles were All Male – from the Junia Project.
The fact that Jesus’ Twelve Apostles were all male is not a valid premise to exclude godly and gifted women from any kind of ministry function or role in the Church.
Also from the Junia Project, an announcement for their blog contest winners, one of which is yours truly. *curtsy*
War is not the Answer – by Jim Wallis
Ultimately, we won’t see an end to our “war on terrorism” without dealing with the underlying causes, and not just targeting the consequences of growing terrorism.
A Thoughtful Christian Response to ISIS – by Carl Medearis
The love that God offers the world, in Christ, is not wimpy – it is a robust affront to the systems of our day that cry out for blood and revenge. The way of Jesus is the hard way. Forgiveness, love, choosing to lay down our lives is the most difficult path in the face of real enemies. Evil is real. But love is far more powerful.
What is the Bible? – Rob Bell interviews Peter Enns
But the Bible does not ask speak first and foremost in our modern idiom. It poses and answers ancient questions.
Bible looks the way it does because God lets his children tell the story.
The Bible is God’s word, but not as a rulebook or Christian owner’s manual. It is a place where come to met God—which can mean struggling with God, wrestling with God, debating God, and also learning of God, being comforted and encouraged by God, and seeking peace and joy.
Insomniac Christians – by Ben Moberg
The struggle perpetuates the struggle. Perfectionism perpetuates inadequacy. And the love of God is felt by those who know that it cannot be bottled up. It cannot be conquered. It cannot be won. It just is.
What changed your life this week?