Life Changers 11/14/14
November 14, 2014
Reading and writing are intertwined. For every word I write, I consume hundreds. Our writings are not produced in a vacuum but in an ongoing conversation with the wider community. In a very real sense, what I’m reading each week sharpens my ideas, shapes my thinking, and indeed, changes my life.
This week in Life Changers:
Too Much Peacemaking – by Esther Emery
Normally I copy and paste a particularly good quote from a piece, but for the love of God, go read the WHOLE THING. Esther preaches a very real word here. I’ve written a similar piece here on the blog called, “I am an Angry Christian.” We so desperately need to reclaim the gift of anger.
Rebuilding after a Monster Typhoon – by Matthew Paul Turner
We human beings of the internet age have a remarkably short attention span. Our compassions are short lived for tragedies passing through the news cycle, but the road to recovery and rebuilding is long and arduous. Grateful to Matthew Paul Turner for bringing to our attention the plight of our fellow global citizens in the Philippines.
Take Up Some Space – by Sarah Schwartz
You are not “low maintenance”, like a car with great gas mileage. You are a human person, with needs, strengths, flaws and gifts. And if someone wants to be in a relationship with you, they should want to be in a relationship with all of you. The rest are just imposters.
I am going to rethink the phrase “high maintenance” to refer to myself or anyone else.
Glimpses – by Shauna Niequist
I got a serious case of “Me Too!!!!!!!” when reading this piece. I, too, am prone to add too many things to my schedule. I, too, would rather not live in that frenzied way. I, too, am getting better. Glimpses of hope.
Less hustling. Less proving. Less frantic. Less bone-tired.
More true rest. More connection. More prayer, more listening, more tea.
More sacred space, more blessed monotony.
More love.
21 Teeny Tiny Book Reviews – by Bronwyn Lea
I absolutely love book reviews. For anyone needing some recommendations for books from a wide range of genres, my friend Bronwyn offers not 1, not 2, but 21 suggestions!
Much less ambitious than Bronwyn, I just have one recommendation. But it is a very important one to me. You guys, I cannot adequately describe my tremendous GIRL CRUSH and love affair with Leslie Knope of Parks and Recreation. I understand she is a fictional character, but if you knew my heart, you would believe she is very real. She is a feminist in the best way. She is loyal and kind and everything I want to be in life. She is my best friend in all of my imaginations. I adore Leslie Knope. So when Amy Poehler came out with a memoir, Yes Please, I didn’t skip a beat before purchasing it and reading it straight away. I love it so much. I’m sorry I cannot be more eloquent, it’s just really funny and real and deep. So go read it. And watch Parks and Rec. And let’s become friends like Leslie and Ann Perkins, k?
I subscribe to the Work of the People and LOVE it. It’s a compilation of talks from some of the best and most influential writers, thinkers, idea-leaders. The videos are done with visual creativity. Not cheesy. Cool people join the collection of an already amazing lineup all the time – the latest addition being the beloved Rachel Held Evans. Must watch!
What changed your life this week? Please share your best reads and links in the comments!