We Don’t Need Sameness to Connect

I have never had the privilege of a faith community catered to my cultural background. Although born to a Taiwanese family, I was exposed to a western education (at age 10); far too young to relate to local Taiwanese children. And yet with my dark hair and yellow skin, love for barbecued squid on a…

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Life Changers

I’ve been absent from the internet as of late (and by absent I mean a slight notch down from my usual compulsive addiction) due to two main reasons. One, I took an impromptu weekend getaway to Seoul, South Korea. One of the advantages of South Asia living is the close proximity to various countries. Seoul…

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7 Ways TCKs Lived ahead of the Digital Era

If you are a TCK, like me, who remembers growing up without the internet, you may have noticed some trends in people’s behavior online these days that aren’t so foreign to you. Here are 7 ways TCKs are ahead of the times before the advent of the digital age. 1. Sustaining Long Distance Relationships. Long…

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TCKs in the World of Faith

I write about TCKs and I write about faith. Today, I write about both at A Life Overseas. Our generation is in need of voices with storied backgrounds. TCKs who participate in a faith community are equipped to bring about a certain vitality and prophetic voice. They embody a different story to congregations with a single…

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Finding Your Niche – Guest Post

I am grateful to be contributing to a segment on the Communicating Across Boundaries blog called, “Finding Your Niche”. There, I talk bout how TCKs, despite our complicated background and struggle to belong, can live boldly into our callings. I say things like, We may not belong one hundred percent; but we can be one…

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Thirteen Misconceptions of International Marriages

Today my husband and I celebrate thirteen years of marriage. After all these years, sometimes it is still jarring to look in the mirror and be reminded we have different color skin. Not only are we a mixed race couple, we are actually of different nationalities. Because of our unique situation, people are often curious…

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TCKs and Tired Conversations

When the question is asked, “where are you from?” Most  people give a straightforward answer. TCKs tell really long winded stories involving our parents’ career choices with boring political/historical details. Then one of two things happen: 1) The person reacts with strong interest and curiosity and fires lots of questions. In my case, people often…

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Expat Thanksgiving

This is my 12th Thanksgiving to celebrate with my American family. It is bizarre trying to create a family tradition I did not grow up with. I am Chinese and I don’t really like turkey, unless it looks like this:   This is what I DID grow up eating – traditional Taiwanese cuisine – turkey…

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Guest Post at Communicating Across Boundaries

Today I’m writing over at Communicating Across Boundaries. Marilyn Gardner graciously offered me a place at her blog to speak into the condition which plagues so many of us TCKs (Third Culture Kids): loneliness. Here’s what I say: It is difficult for me to even form these words because it is a painful truth:perhaps there is…

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