How I Live a Partial Story – SheLoves

I’m writing over at the beautiful SheLoves community today. They have gracious dedicated the month of October to the theme of “Listen”, inviting various people to share stories of being the outsider, the other. I am very honored to be contributing my story there and look forward to hearing everyone else’s. Before long, I had…

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The Ordinary Saves

Is it just me, or does everyone else’s newsfeeds read like the world is going to hell? I mean, seriously, the torrent of bad news is so unrelenting that no amount of kitten pictures and feel-good Upworthy videos can hold up against it. I wonder if the ALS ice bucket challenge took off the way…

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Self Doubt, Vulnerability, Lessons from Writing

I feel like I have been running a sprint. Ever since I committed to writing this past year, I have searched high and low for nooks and crannies of my life to find space in which to fit this endeavor. Between my part time job and feeding the Brandt Clan, I left myself little margin…

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How to be Significant

I’ve pondered death as long as I’ve been literate. I devoured Chinese folklore picture books depicting 18 levels of hell each with their unique forms of torture. While other carefree preschoolers busied themselves playing games in the playground, I stayed inside and read stories about mythical kings who turned their kingdoms upside down in order…

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These are a Few of my Favorite Things

One thing about that song – why would door bells be one of fraulein Maria’s favorite things? I mean, ding, ding, ding, not that exciting, am I right? Anyway, raise your hand if you can believe it’s June already? Almost halfway through 2014, I fear if I blink again the year will be over. Every…

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It’s not All or Nothing (re: Social Media)

One day, my daughter left her homework at school. After some cross-examination gentle probing, we figured she left it in the library. I suggested perhaps it is because she was having so much fun hanging out with her friends she neglected her responsibility of bringing home her homework. The next day, she climbs into my…

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Terrible Christian Series

When I wrote this piece a while back on the lack of space within the church for lament, I noticed there is a whole host of negative emotions we are wary of attaching with Christianity. We are uncomfortable with the angry Christian, the depressed Christian, the grieving Christian, the doubting Christian, the shameful Christian, and more. Christian culture…

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When Captain America does NOT save my day – My Messy Beautiful

This is the story of how our thirteenth anniversary screwed me over. Week 1 A week before the actual anniversary, my seven year old son got ill with the flu. For six days he burned  with a high fever along with a string of severe symptoms: vomiting, violent coughing, both restlessness and lethargy. By the…

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Thirteen Misconceptions of International Marriages

Today my husband and I celebrate thirteen years of marriage. After all these years, sometimes it is still jarring to look in the mirror and be reminded we have different color skin. Not only are we a mixed race couple, we are actually of different nationalities. Because of our unique situation, people are often curious…

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